21 December 2017
We are pleased and proud to announce our latest virtual tour and solution to the world. This tour takes our 360 imagery to a new level!
This virtual tour product (also referred to as Accessibility Pathway Tour) has been designed to give patrons and their caregivers the confidence to engage with live events across the city in a safe and prepared manner. Property3D anticipates other industries will take up the initiative as they see the success of APT for Auckland Live.
A very exciting release by P3D. This is the first step towards creating a fully integrated service for a wide range of impairments. We’re excited to continue to develop the technology to meet the needs of a wider range of patrons.
P3D’s Project & Client Relationship Manager, Katrine Cramer, says “Our exclusive new product; Accessibility Pathway Tour (APT) is the culmination of hours of analysis, thought and development. Its primary function is to familiarise end-users with a facility before they visit, done via a series of 360 images of a venue. APT will be a wonderful resource for those with mobility impairments and we acknowledge our client, Auckland Live, for taking a jump into this area with us. We have enjoyed a truly collaborative process with the innovative team at Auckland Live and we look forward to unfolding this exciting product to the marketplace.”